Thursday, March 29, 2012

Blogging in the Name of Fashion

Yes, it's another fashion blog. I've been perusing many a fashion blog lately and I decided there needs to be something for the over 40 crowd.  There are so many blogs dedicated to the younger set and I'm really tired of seeing women over 40 dressing as if they are teenagers or really old ladies.  Really, let's keep it real and start dressing casually and professionally as women, attractive, fashionable women.  I typically spend my days off refashioning clothing into something new and inspirational, so I'll be posting pics and possibly tutorials for those.  I'll be participating in 30 for 30 challenges as well as others that occur on the net, so keep watching for those too.  Comments are encouraged and welcome.  I'm really hoping you will find some inspiration here. Break out your sewing machines and follow along or better yet, offer up some inspiration of your own.