Do you ever find yourself asking that question after you've had a Monday off? Well, I find myself asking that question at the beginning of every week, so holiday aside, it's a problem for me. Memorial Day is always tough to enjoy for me. As my husband reminded me, Memorial Day is for those who've fallen and Veterans Day is for those who lived. I thought a lot of my father yesterday and I still long to hear his laughter.
Still feeling drained after another long very busy weekend, all I want to do when getting dressed in the morning is to put on the closest Maxi dress and chill in that all day. I think today's Maxi dress is probably the equivalent to yesteryear's Muumuu, don't you? But because I don't want my husband to have the permanent vision or thought of me living in my Maxi dress, I decided it was best to get dressed, for real.
This pic was taken before I left the house. Thinking I had loads of time I tried to get the photos myself without the assistance of my trusty photographer. Freshly showered, makeup done, Tide smelling clothes, I was ready for a full day of challenges. It was chilly out, so a cardi was in order. By the time I got home though, the jewelry had come off, makeup was worn, I could no longer smell the Tide and my feet hurt from being in heels all day:-)
For some reason the hubby thinks taking pics of me looking at my feet are cool. Ehh, let him have it.

I know my heels are old, but I still love my pointy toes. I bought these some time ago at Famous Footwear along with a black pair and a leopard pair. The leopard pair have long been given away, but I hang on to the black and grey because of their neutral color and loads of possibilities.
Jeans-Banana Republic, Top-Target, Cardi-ON refashioned, Belt-NY&Co, Necklace-ON refashioned, Heels-Steve Madden from Famous Footwear, Ring-F21